Our Services
Starter Lok Consultation
A healthy Lok Journey begins with a great Consultation!
Consultations are exciting and important! During our Starter Lok Consultation, a professional LokTek will assess your hair care and your lifestyle needs, providing tailored advice to cater to your desired outcome. They will also be able to suggest the best products and hair care routines to suit you.
We want you to look and feel your best! By taking the time to do a Starter Lok Consultation, you'll become acquainted with the Lok Teks here at Lok Lovin' and see first hand how much we value education, positive relationships, and having fun with your hair!! After this experience, you will have the tools you need to start your Lok journey with confidence!
For Consultation Expectations and how to prepare for your exciting day, please click the link below to review the details and request your appointment today.
Welcome to the Tribe!
Transfer Lok Consultation
Already have loks and interested in becoming a Lok Lovin’ client? Click “Learn More” to fill out our Transfer Request Questionnaire and we’ll reach out to get you set.
Lok Lovin’ accepts Transfer Clients as space becomes available in our client base. If you’d like to be considered in the future, please fill out the Questionnaire on the following page and follow us on social media to stay updated!
Starter Lok Packages
There are so many fun and creative ways to start a lok journey! Check out our Starter Lok Packages
We offer:
Sisterlocks® Package
Microlok/Interlok Package
Traditional Lok Package
Krochet/Instant Lok Package
Lok Extensions Package
Not sure which Starter Lok Package to choose? That’s okay! Book a Starter Lok Consultation and we’ll discuss which option may be best for you!
All Lok Lovin’ Starter Lok Packages are 3-part packages, and the cost is determined at Consultation.
What does each package include?
Come ask questions and get some test loks! You’ll also receive a price point that is good from 30 days
Starting your loks can take 1 or 2 days to complete depending on the type of loks desired and the condition of your hair. You’ll have a better idea on how long this will take at Consultation.
Within 4-5 weeks of starting your Lok Journey, you will come for your first Retightening. This appointment is included in your Establishment price and will be of no cost to you on the day of the appointment.
Lok Maintenance and Treatment
It’s so important to have your loks routinely maintained! Most Lok Lovin’ clients come through every 5 to 8 weeks to be sure their loks stay happy and healthy. Each maintenance appointment includes a complimentary shampoo for the ultimate reset.
Add essential oils to any of your treatments for $5.
All services are by appointment only.